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This devotion is slightly different to the usual format. Nevertheless, I pray that you are as encouraged as I was when I first had it sent through to me.

In these days of change, we are all having to get used to life not being as we know it; and uncertainty and change can leave us feeling anxious and vulnerable. Routines, plans, aspirations and dreams have been changed, postponed and even cancelled, and it leaves us feeling uneasy and no longer in control.

However, for the Christian, one thing has remained constant – ‘The Lord is always at hand’ as our constant support, encourager and guide and I pray that the words below will re-affirm these truths to you today. 

These words are penned by a prisoner whom I had the privilege of sharing in his journey of faith. His faith was an example to all who came in contact with him:

The Hands that Won’t Let Go:

When I am weary, weak, and want to give up,

His hands just won’t let go; holding me up and helping me forward.

When I lose grip and begin to fall, He catches me, pulls me in close, bringing calm and making me feel safe.

These are the hands that don’t let go.

They guide me in my path when I take the wrong turn. They are strong hands, but soft, gentle and re-assuring, putting me back on the narrow road. 

When I weep, they gently wipe away my tears. When I am alone, they let me know they are still there.

When I sleep, knowing He is holding me brings comfort.

When the enemy attacks, they become jealously fierce, defending me. When I have needs, they are open hands, generous and full.

Whose hands are these, so precious and full of sacrifice? They are Christ’s hands.

They were spread on an evil cross, broken by nails for a crime He did not commit.

But even then, thinking of me! He allowed those hands to hold on to the pain and suffering with me in mind.

He never let go then, and won’t let go now. But His hands are now my hands.

The journey now is to allow my hands to be for HIS use.

Thank God that YOU are in safe hands today!

Author Chris Foote

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