I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority.
1 Timothy 2:1-2
The American president could not have put it more clearly with the above statement. It is just as true now as when he said it. We can have victory through our prayers. Remember Elijah. In the book of James James says Elijah was just like you and me. Read James 5:17. In other words what Elijah did so can we.
Today our prime minister needs our prayers as do we as a nation. Today I would like you to read below an interview between Cara Bentley and Tim Farron a Liberal MP
CB: How are you reacting to this all as a public figure as an MP, but also someone who many people know as a Christian? Are you thinking about your witness at this time?
TF: Yeah, absolutely. I think that obviously my most important roles are all combined in one house now, my main roles are to serve the good people of Westmorland and Lonsdale and indeed the wider country by being a servant, getting alongside people in their time of desperate, desperate need, but also to be a good dad and a husband at a time which is of course unsettling for those closest to me. T
But it’s also important that we just help people to look at this in a way which is in the context of the eternal. I, like so many people, enjoyed virtual church yesterday and one of the take-aways was the sense of those forces out there that we’re most afraid of, and there’s lots of people experiencing real fear now, those forces that we’re afraid of, they’re afraid of God far more.
We have a God who is almighty and all-loving works all things for the good of those who love Him and that even will be the case in the coronavirus crisis. So, understanding that and feeling that and believing that myself is hugely important and seeking to gently share that with others.
We’re bound to be afraid. We’re bound to have our concerns. But as Christians, we don’t need to fear and we need to perhaps share that sense of hope of something far better with those who are living in in great fear and uncertainty at the moment.
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Blessings Pastor