You were bought, not with something that ruins like gold or silver, but with the precious blood of Christ, who was like a pure and perfect lamb.
1 Peter 1: 18-19
As we come to the end of remembrance week the one thing that stays with us is the price they paid. This of course was their lives. They would never see their families again, hear the birds sing, or enjoy the simple pleasures you and I do today. We once again thank them. As I come to the end of my personal reflection of this week I am reminded of this story.
I once read about a man who visited an art gallery which had many pieces of art in the room. One piece from among them was priced very high. When the man asked why this was so, the guide replied that the piece was unique because of its artist.
What an amazing truth it is about us then; we are a masterpiece of the Heavenly Father. Our worth is not defined by what we have done on this earth, but it’s in what heaven has done for us.
Jesus died for you and me on a cross and shed His blood for us. Your price tag is not in pounds, silver or gold but it’s much more! It’s the precious blood of Jesus.
Jesus death is the most significant sacrifice as it has paid the way to freedom to a relationship with an eternal God. This unique death though was also incorporated with a resurrection which means Jesus is alive and invites us daily to communion with Him. Yes, Jesus arose from His battlefield and we are reminded not so much in a poppy but in a cross.
Your significance is not in your material earthly riches, but it’s in your Heavenly Father’s name. The hymn writer said Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the Death of Christ my God: All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his Blood. Jesus blood has not gone to waste, just the opposite. It is as powerful today as it was when he offered His life up freely for all mankind 2000 years ago. The battlefield of sin is defeated and today you and I can be a child of the Most High. May you live each day of your life in this truth and let no one tell you otherwise.
You were bought, not with something that ruins like gold or silver, but with the precious blood of Christ, who was like a pure and perfect lamb.
1 Peter 1: 18-19
Stay Safe and Blessed.