There is a huge expectation from fans, manager and players that the second half will be better than the first half. After all, we’ve had a drink, a team talk and a plan.
On the negative side, there may be some who played the first half and they will not come out for the second half as someone else has replaced them.
This lockdown has to me been very much the first half ending and a very long break before we come out for the second half. The great news for followers of Jesus is that no one is left behind, in the sense of being left in the dressing room, for we all come out for the second half.
No matter what has gone on before, followers of Jesus are allowed second chances to put things right. We must learn from our first-half experience and in this period that is exactly what I have done.
Many pastors will have been reflecting on what has gone on in the first half and been seeking God for the second half which we believe will shortly come to pass. Everyone is believing we are coming out of this lockdown and most of us are beginning to have a more positive attitude.
The big question is how will we perform once we are out of this lockdown? Does life go on as normal? What is normal? Can life ever be the same? These are relative questions as we prepare for the future.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 ESV
Our verse this morning lets us know, as followers of Jesus, the reason for the second half. Long before we were even born God had a plan for us that we should tell the good news of His amazing love and grace. For each of us how we do that will be different and therefore during this last phase before lockdown, let me ask have you sought God for the next stage of your journey?
Is it perhaps time that we go to God and ask Him for a word? I believe that word can come in many different forms, I believe God still speaks in dreams, nature, spiritual, word and prayer. I have learnt to never box God in how He wants to speak, but just ask Him to speak. After all the verse above informs us He created us to do good works so He must have a plan.
Finally, you will know when God speaks as three things I believe are put in place.
- The word will be relevant to you. It will be a word of discovery it will fit into your situation exactly.
- It will be revealing in the sense that you will know what God has called you to do as it will be a word of discernment.
- It will be a word of relationship. In other words, it will draw you into deeper intimacy with Him.
I pray that you will seek God, and prepare yourself to be propelled out of this current situation. You will have renewed hope and be encouraged that the best is yet to come.
Stay safe and blessed