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Here in our Church at Erdington whenever someone says “God is good”, most people shout out “all the time”. David in Psalm 33 actually agrees with us as he says that God is worthy of our praise and also that God is good, even in the times when things don’t look good.

Searching the word goodness I found that Goodness (Hebrew ‘chesed’) is also translated as ‘unfailing love’, ‘loving-kindness’, ‘steadfast covenant love’ and ‘mercy’. These words perfectly describe God’s care and concern for each one it was. 

David is not finished yet, he also wants you to know that not only is God worthy of praise, not only is He good but that you can put your confidence in God. 

In a world that is very shaky at the moment, confidence can at times be low. God wants you to know that you can trust Him and you can be confident that He knows all about your situation. David knew that and experienced it and you can too.

David experienced God’s protection over his life and therefore his confidence was in God. Even when as a young boy he fought Goliath, David let the giant know that his confidence in fighting him was in God.

This psalm gives me comfort to know who is in control, thereby giving me hope in a world of turmoil.

The point of Psalm 33 is to urge people to place their ultimate confidence in the Lord (33:18–22). Things like money etc are merely means to an end. What ultimately matters is whether we trust and put our confidence in the Lord and trust in Him to meet our needs.

Whenever I listen to the song Indescribable by Chris Tomlin, it blows me away to think that the same God loves me. If He can create, sustain and redeem the universe, put planets and stars in space, some we don’t even know about, stop the earth from revolving, part seas and many other miraculous things, then surely He must be worth considering for praise.

Finally in creating the world, He planned or determined much of the world’s future by the way in which He created it. His planning manifests both clear purposes and orderly processes (Romans 1:20). 

God not only knows the future (the “future” from a human point of view. God lives in eternity, beyond time, and hence beyond a “future”), He can make the future by choosing what will happen (James 4:13–15).

Those who fear God need fear nothing else. 

So if you become fearful:

  1. Praise God using one or more expressions discussed.
  2. Think on His Greatness.
  3. Thank Him for His goodness
  4. Trust in the confidence of His power.

Stay safe and Blessed.

Author Edward Lawrence

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